Breakups are painful for everyone, but some are more painful than others. A bad breakup can evoke strong emotional responses such as rejection, betrayal, worry about the future, and loss of control.
The intensity of your feelings and response can be influenced by several factors, such as how long you were with your partner, how serious the relationship was, and the reasons for the breakup etc.
This article looks at how a breakup affects your mental health and offers some suggestions on how to get over a bad breakup.
Impact of a Bad Breakup
Breakups can create a surge of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, especially if they happen unexpectedly. These hormones put your body into fight-or-flight mode – a high-alert state in which your body is ready to defend itself.
Stress, whether acute or chronic, can cause physical and mental health problems.
Breakups can sometimes leave us feeling depressed. This can be temporary in the sense that it can last a few weeks or much longer – indicating that a person is having trouble adjusting to the breakup or even developing depression.
Negative Emotions and Behavior
A breakup’s consequences will vary depending on the circumstances and one’s own personal reactions. It might sometimes result in unexpected and overwhelming emotions that one is not used to experiencing or handling
Some people may let their emotions, control their actions. For example, they may isolate themselves from others, eat excessively or insufficiently, not sleep or sleep excessively, or struggle to keep up with work.
How to Get Over a Bad Breakup
Seek Help:
Seek help from reliable friends and family, especially those who have been through similar experiences. Social support can buffer some of the negative impacts of a breakup. It can assist you in reducing the amount of time you spend alone and feeling miserable.
Instead, you will be around others who can offer advice, a different perspective, or techniques to develop or increase positive emotions.
Reframe the situation:
Breakups are painful, and it can be difficult to imagine a future without them. But it might be beneficial to recognise and acknowledge that you will feel better someday. Once you’re in the right state of mind, consider how you grew from the relationship. Try seeing the breakup as a learning experience or a part of your joruney rather than the destination.
Don’t avoid negative emotions:
While you don’t have to welcome negative emotions all of the time, you also shouldn’t be afraid of them. Suppressing emotions such as anger, irritation, betrayal, loss, or sadness can result in physical discomfort. Allowing yourself to be present with your emotions, even for short periods of time, can help you process and move through them. Choose to control your emotions rather than allowing them to control you.
A Word From Supparetreat
A painful breakup can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health, including stress, worry, despair, grief, and other negative emotions and behaviours.
It’s critical to seek advice and support from friends and family, as well as to process your thoughts and learn from the experience. If you are not able to get over the loss of your relationship, seek support from our community (Supparetreat).
Supparetreat assist you ask the right questions and getting the support you need to move forward without getting caught in the same cycles again.